2. Fill in the necessary details. Then click "Register Now". It is important that you use a valid email address.
Usernames should have a maximum of 24 characters including spacing. Do not use all numbers.
3. A message will appear with instructions to wait for a message in the email you have registered.
4. Open the email generated by activeboard. Then click on the link provided.
5. This will direct you to the page as shown below. Click on "click here".
6. This will bring you back to this page. Click on "Login".
7. Enter the user name you have registered and the password. Please wait for your account to be approved by the administrator. (This may take anytime from 3 days to a month.)
Email accounts that have not been verified will not be accepted.
There has been a delay in the approval of pending users this month as we are transitioning FRCentral to a new administrative team. Pending users will be approved within the week or as soon as the transition is complete.